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National Compliment Day

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National Compliment Day
As a recruitment company Finlay Jude understand the importance of positivity within the workplace.

National Compliment Dayis celebrated today, and we focus on the power of positive words at work.

Compliments are necessary in the workplace.

You have standards to maintain and if somebody is praised for their contribution to work, you will find the employee will maintain those standards and continue to contribute effectively.

A happy workplace and a healthy atmosphere at work is better for everybody, it boosts morale and improves job satisfaction overall.
Working isn’t easy and each day arises new challenges, so at Finlay Jude we focus on showing our fellow colleagues just how important they are by regularly showing gratitude and giving credit where credit is due.

We recruit strongly within the Water Industry for trainees to start a new career, maybe as a Noise Logger, Meter Reader or a Trainee Leakage Technician, and we know all to well, that to let our Trainee candidates know how well they are doing and how hard they are working, not only makes their job worthwhile, but also boosts their morale to make them want to work even harder.

Compliments improve relationships with your staff and promotes better productivity, making your organization more successful, a win win all round!!

The tongue has the power to make or break somebody’s day, so today use it for good purpose!!

You never know when someone can use good vibes – so spread the positivity by giving someone a reason to smile!!